Saturday, April 16, 2011

Second and Third of Proposed Group of Paintings


  1. I'm enjoying your pieces and I feel as if there is a bit of mystery behind them. I seem to want more and wish for something to be revealed. I think they are looking great and can't wait to see more!

  2. I agree, these are wonderful to look at! I read in another of your posts that abstract and non-representational was a new way for you to work and think. How do you like this new way of working? The results are very interesting to look at and I find myself going back again and again to look.

  3. That's right, I have never done abstract and non-representation paintings before. This is all new to me so I've been asking people to comment on my most recent work. I've gotten mostly negative reviews from my family. I've been told that I've done better work. I don't entirely trust their opinions considering they are not artists like you and my other classmates. They don't seem to appreciate this type of artwork. I'm not surprised. Thank you for everyone's opinions. They mean a lot to me and they definitely help.
    This new way of working has been so much more fun than the way I have worked in the past. It's impossible to make a wrong brushstroke. There is no likeness to compare the painting to so I can't make a mistake.
    When it comes to painting recently I say "just do it". Don't be afraid or you'll never create the masterpiece that is waiting to be revealed by your hands.
